News and upcoming events
- 01/01/2023: The F.A.I.R. (Future Artificial Intelligence Research) Project starts! I will lead the Task 9.5.5-Tradeoff in practical reasoning of green-aware agents

Massimo Cossentino
Office Location
Area della Ricerca CNR
Via U. La Malfa, 153
90146 Palermo (Italy)

I am a senior research scientist with the ICAR
(Istituto per il CAlcolo e le Reti ad alte prestazioni/ High
Performance Computing and Network Institute) institute of the CNR (National Research Council of
Italy) in Palermo. I have been working at ICAR since from December 2001. I am heading the ECOS lab.
My research interests lie in the artificial intelligence/software
engineering fields with a specific focus on goal-oriented systems,
self-organization/self-adaptation issues, workflows and design processes.
I am currently exploring the implications of some of these researches in the adaptive management of emergency procedures.
I am listed in the top 2% researchers by the paper Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators
based on Scopus 2019 database (here the Mendeley dataset), and 2024 Elsevier Data.
From September 2006 to August 2007 and from March to August 2008,
I have been an invited associate professor at the University of
Belfort-Montbelliard, UTBM
(France). On October 2008 I got my Habilitation à Diriger des
Recherches (HDR)1,2
from the University Paul Sabatier (Toulouse, France).
See also the ICAR-CNR ECOS Lab
website for further info on my most recent researches.
Research Interests (see also the ECOS LAB website)
- Artificial Intelligence
- Goal Oriented Systems
- Partial Goal Satisfaction, metrics and heuristics
- Practical Reasoning
- Multi-Agent Systems Architectures and Design Methodologies
- Self-Adaptive and Self-Organising (SASO) systems
- Software Engineering
- Adaptive workflows, MUSA (a
Middleware for User-driven Service Adaptation)
- Design Methodologies
- Composition of design methodologies (see my publications
on that)
- ASPECS design methodology (Agent-Oriented Software
Process for Engineering Complex Systems). (website) (publications)
- PASSI design methodology (Process for Agent Societies
Specification and Implementation). (website)
- Metamodeling techniques and model driven engineering
Past courses
Other Learning Materials
(in Italian)
Current and Past Research Projects
- Net de l'Environnement Transfrontalier TUNisie-ITalie (N.E.T.TUN.IT.) funded within the Cross-border Cooperation Program Italy-Tunisia 2014-2020 of the European Union (2020-2023)
- Cloud4City, PO-FESR project funded by the Regional Government of Sicily (2020-2022)
- Cloud for Europe (Realization of a Research and
Development Project (Pre-Commercial Procurement) on “CLOUD FOR
EUROPE"), European project FP7-610650 (2016-2017).
- AMICO - Automazione e Monitoraggio Intelligente dei Consumi.
Project funded by the Italian Government within the Industria
2015 initiative (2014-2015) (website)
- Smart Grid: Power & ICT. Contract as consultant for Elmi
SW within a PO FESR project funded by the Regional
Government of Sicily (2014-2015). Principal Investigator. (website)
- Open Cloud Computing Platform a misura di organizzazioni agili
(OCCP). PO FESR project funded by the Regional
Government of Sicily (2014-2015) (website ). Principal Investigator.
- Innovative Document Sharing (IDS). PO FESR project
funded by the Regional Government of Sicily (2011-2013) (website ). Principal Investigator.
Funded by the Italian Ministry for Economic Development
- ICT-E3 funded by the Sicily Region within the ICT Excellence
programme of the Western Sicily (2010) (ICAR
- "Infrastruttura Tecnologica del Fascicolo Sanitario
Elettronico" finanziato dal Dipartimento Innovazione e
Tecnologie della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri.
- FRASI (FRamework for Agent-based Semantic-aware
Interoperability). L. 297 Italian Ministry for Research and
Education (MIUR).
- Agent Factory. Principal Investigator.
- Teschet
Other and past research activities
- Co-chair of the XIX Workshop From Objects to Agents (WOA 2018).
Palermo, 28-29 June 2018.
- Co-chair of the Smart
Environments and Information Systems session hold at 10th
Int. KES Conf. on Intelligent Interactive Multimedia: Systems
and Services (KES-IIMSS-17),
Algarve, Portugal. 21-23 June 2017.
- I chaired the IEEE FIPA Design Process
Documentation and Fragmentation Working Group (see WG website)
- Holons and System Adaptation. Invited Talk at 2015
Annual International Conference on Biologically Inspired
Cognitive Architectures (BICA 2015), November 8 2015 - Lyon,
FRANCE. Abstract
, slides.
- Luca Sabatucci and Massimo Cossentino. From Means-End
Analysis to Proactive Means-End Reasoning, in proc. of
SEAMS 2015, 10th International Symposium on Software Engineering
for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems, May 18-19, 2015 Firenze,
Best Paper Award (FOCAS announce).
Paper pdf
- FIPA Standardization activity on methodologies: Design Process
Documentation and Fragmentation WG. Website.
- 'Cloud applications mashup and adaptive orchestration of
services' talk at the CNR-ANITEC event on 'IoT
and Manufacturing 4.0'. Rome, 03-05-2016.
- Smart
Environments and Information Systems session to be held at
9th Int. KES Conf. on Intelligent Interactive Multimedia:
Systems and Services (KES-IIMSS-16),
Tenerife, Spain. 15-17 June 2016.
- Co-Chair of the 8th International Workshop on Multi-Agent
Systems and Simulation (MAS&S'14
). Warsaw, Poland, 7 - 10 September, 2014
- Co-Chair of the 1st International Workshop on Engineering
Multi-Agent Systems (EMAS) @ AAMAS 2013 in Saint Paul,
Minnesota. 6-7 May, 2013. See the call for
- 10-01-2012: the FIPA Design Process Documentation Template has
been approved by FIPA as a standard specification (SC00097B)
- 13th International Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software
Engineering (AOSE'12) to be held at AAMAS 2012, The Eleventh
International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent
Systems. Valencia, Spain.June 4, 2012. ( website,
- Track 3: Artificial Intelligence and Agent Technology @ The
Sixth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and
Software Intensive Systems (CISIS-2012). July 4th-July 6th,
2012, Sanpaolo Palace Hotel, Palermo, Italy. (website)
- 9th European Workshop on Multi-agent Systems (EUMAS 2011),
Maastricht, The Netherlands, Nov. 14th-15th, 2011. (website)
- Co-chair of the Seventh Agent Technical Fora. 15 December
2010, Paris (Fr). (website)
- Co-chair of the Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE)
Technical Forum Group 7. 15 December 2010, Univ. Paris
6/Lip 6, Paris (Fr). (website)
- Co-chair of the IEEE FIPA Workshop on Design Process
Documentation and Fragmentation to be held at The Multi-Agent
Logics, Languages, and Organisations Federated Workshops (MALLOW
2010). 30th of August - 2nd of September, 2010.Domaine Valpré -
Lyon, France (website)
- Co-Editor of the Special issue on "Simulation-based Design and
Evaluation of Multi-Agent Systems", (G. Fortino, M. Cossentino,
J. Pavon, M.P. Gleizes, eds.), Simulation Modelling Practice and
Theory Journal, Elsevier. 2010. (website)
- Co-Chair of the AOSE Methodologies, Infrastructures and
Processes Track of the 25th Edition ACM Symposium on Applied
Computing. Sierre, Switzerland, March 22 -26, 2010. website
- Special section on Holonic Multi-Agent Systems of the
International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering
(IJAOSE). Deadline 15 December 2009. (cfp)
- Co-Chair of the 3rd International Workshop on Multi-Agent
Systems and Simulation (MAS&S). Turin (Italy). 7-11 Sept.
2009. website
- Co-Chair of the AOMS (Agent-Oriented Methodologies and
Systems) track @ The 24th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
March 8 12, 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. (website) (call
for papers)
- I have been the contact for the ICAR Insitute (Palermo Dept.)
of the European's Network of Excellence for Agent Based
Computing (AgentLink III).
- Co-Chair of the Sixth Agent Technical Fora. 17 December 2008,
Bath (UK). (cfp) (website)
- Co-Chair of the Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE)
Technical Forum Group 6. 17 December 2008, Bath (UK). (cfp) (website)
- Co-Chair of the IX Workshop on Objects and Agents (WOA'08).
17-18 November, Palermo (Italy). (website)
- Chair of the Agent-Oriented Software Engineering Technical
Forum Group meeting. 12 Dec. 2007, Hammameth (Tunisia). (website).
- Chair of the Fifth Technical Forum Group meeting. 12 Dec.
2007, Hammameth (Tunisia). (website).
- Chair of the Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems and Simulation
2007 (MAS&S'07). Malta. 22 October, 2007 (website)
- Chair of the First International Workshop on Agent supported
Cooperative Work (ACW 2007). In conjunction with the Second IEEE
International Conference on Digital Information Management
(ICDIM 2007).29 October, 2007, Lyon, France ( website)
- Chair of the Agents Theory and Practice for Industry Session
at the IEEE Industrial Informatics Conference, 25 July, 2007.
Vienna (Austria) (website)
- Chair of the Agent-Oriented Software Engineering Technical
Forum Group meeting. 13 Dec. 2006, Lisbon (Portugal). (website).
- Chair of the Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems and Simulation
2006 (MAS&S'06) (website)
- Chair of the Agentlink III - Agent Oriented Software
Engineering Technical Forum Group - Budapest. 14-17 Sept.2005 (further
- Chair of the Agentlink III - AOSE
Forum Group - Ljubljana (Slovenia). 28 Feb - 02 Mar 2005
- Chair of the AOSE
TFG at the AgentLink
Rome Event 30 June- 2 July, 2004
- Chair of the FIPA
Methodology Technical Committee
- Chair of the Ontology and Multi- Agent Systems Design (OMASD'03)
at KES 2003 4, Sept., 2003.
- Chair of the "L'ingegneria
del Software e le tecnologie ad agenti" workshop (Palermo,
Talks and Tutorials
- Agents for Shipboard Power System Reconfiguration - CONFERENZA DIITET - A.S. Informatica. Pisa 30.11.2018 (video)
- Holons and System Adaptation. Invited Talk at 2015
Annual International Conference on Biologically Inspired
Cognitive Architectures (BICA 2015), November 8 2015 - Lyon,
FRANCE. Abstract
, slides .
- "Documentation and Fragmentation of Agent Oriented
Methodologies" Tutorial at 12th European Agent Systems Summer
School (EASSS 2010). Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne,
France. 23 - 27 August 2010. (website)
- Tutorial on Documentation and Fragmentation of Agent Oriented
Methodologies and Processes at the European Agent Systems Summer
School 2010 (EASSS 2010) - St Etienne (France), 23-27 Aug 2010).
- Tutorial on Agent Oriented Software Engineering at the
European Agent Systems Summer School 2009 – Torino (Italy), 31
Aug- 4 Sept 2009.(website)
- Tutorial on Agent Oriented Software Engineering at IEEE
Industrial Informatics Conference, 23 July, 2007. Vienna
(Austria). (website)
- Tutorial on Agent Oriented Software Engineering at 4th
International Central and Eastern European Conference on
Multi-Agent Systems (CEEMAS'05), 15 September, 2005. Budapest,
Hungary. (website)