MoT (
Tool) is a specific CASE tool developed for supporting design
of Multi-agent organization. It is based on a specific notation
representing the fundamental concepts of an organization. MoT, also,
provides automatic Moise+ code generation. It has been developed
as an instance of a meta-CASE tool (Metaedit+) and it is actually at
the first release.
- Notation
- Diagrams
- Code Generation
- Documentation
- Software
- External Links
MoT is based on the notation
element shown in Fig.1.
- Role - An agent Role is
depicted as a sticky man. It is caracterized by three attributes:
the role name and the multiplicity of the role in the organization
rapresented by the min and max attributes.
- Group - A Group is
represented by means of a package with a sticky men icon. It may
contain several structural elements (Roles) and other grouping
elements (sub-groups). The root group represents the entire
- Mission - A mission in
MoT is graphically depicted as a dartboard.
- Social Scheme - A
Scheme is modeled by means of a package with a little sheet icon,
where missions can be grouped.
- Goal - A Goal is
graphically depicted as circle with a check. Each goal element is
characterized by a name and by a collection of attributes. The GoalType
propriety represents the kinds of goal namely achievement and
maintenance and the ttf
attribute prescribs the time requested for fulfilling the goal.
- Norm - A Norm it is
represented as an arrow with a circle containing the letter 'N'.
It is characterized by means of a label showing the type (obligation
or permission).
- Organizational Link
- It is represented as an arrow with a circle containing the
letter 'O'. It can be characterized by means of a label showing
the type (authority, acquaintance
and communication).
- Compatibility Link - It
is represented as an arrow with a circle containing the letter
1: The Notation for MoT
In MoT it is possible to realize
four kind of diagrams.
- The Organizational Diagram
(OD) is an extended UML class diagram for designing the structural
and normative aspect of an organization. The OD focuses on Moise+
elements such as Roles, Groups, Missions, Schemes and different
kinds of relationships. Fig. 2 shows the Organizational Diagram
for the classical example of Writing Paper organization decribed
in the Moise+.
Fig. 2: Organizational Diagram for the Writing Paper example.
- The Scheme Structural Diagram
(SSD) allows to design more in detail the structure of the Social
Schemes in terms of goals and missions. Fig. 3 shows a portion of
the SSD for the write paper example.
Fig. 3: Scheme Structural
Diagram for the Writing Paper example.
- The Goal Structural Diagram
provides a goal analysis by dividing goals into subgoals through
an AND or OR decomposition (see Fig.4).
Fig. 4: Goal Structural Diagram
of the WritingPaperSch root goal.
- The Goal Functional Diagram represents
behavioral view of the organization, how the task/activity related
to each subgoal must be executed in order to fulfill the scheme
root goal. Fig. 5 shows the Goal Functional Diagrams built for the
wp goal of the Writing Paper organization.
Fig. 5: Goal Functional Diagram
of the writing paper example.
Code Generation
MoT is able to produce
automatically Moise+ code starting from the previous diagrams.
Particularly, the XML portion code concerning the Moise+ Structural
and Normative Specification respectively coming from the elements
designed in the Organizational Diagram.
The Moise+ Functional Specification, instead, coming from the analysis
of the elements designed in the Goal Functional Diagram and in the
Scheme Structural Diagram. Fig. 6 shows the portion of structural
specification generated by the analysis of the OD of the writing paper

Fig. 6: Moise+ Structural Specification generated code from OD.
- Massimo Cossentino, Carmelo Lodato, Salvatore Lopes, Patrizia
Ribino, Valeria Seidita and Antonio Chella. Designing MAS
Organizations with the support of a UML CASE tool. In Proc. of the
9th European Workshop on Multi-agent Systems (EUMAS 2011),
Maastricht (The Netherlands). Nov. 2011. (pdf)
- M. Cossentino, C. Lodato, S. Lopes, P. Ribino, V. Seidita, A.
Chella. A UML-Based Notation for Representing MAS Organizations.
WOA 2011Dodicesimo Workshop Nazionale "Dagli Oggetti agli Agenti".
Rende (CS), Italy. Jul. 2011.(pdf)
- Brief Tutorial (pdf).
External Links