Sezione di Palermo
A Guide to Latex2e, Document Preparation for beginners and advanced users Addison Wesley |
Kopka, Daly |
A wavelet tour of signal processing, Academic Press, New York,1998 |
Mallat S. |
Active Networks and Active Network Management |
Bush, Kulkarni |
Adapted wavelet analysis from theory to software, A.K. Peters Ltd, Massachusetts, 1994 |
M.V. Wickerhauser |
Advanced Mean Field Methods |
Manfred Opper and David Saad |
Advances in Distributed and Parallel Knowledge Discovery |
Kargupta Hillol , Chan Philip |
Advances in Kernel Methods - Support Vector Learning - MIT Press |
B. Scholkopf, C.J.C. Burges, A.J.Smola |
Advances in Steiner Trees – Combinatorial Optimization |
Ding-Zhu Du, J.M. Smith and J.H. Rubinstein (Eds.) |
Algorithms and Applications. SIAM |
Meyer Y, Wavelet |
Ambienti per linguaggi di nuova concezione |
Filé |
An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking ATM Networks, the Internet, and the Telephone Network |
S. Keshav |
An introd. to database system (v.1) |
Date |
An introd. to database system (v.1) |
Date |
An Introduction to Kolmogorov Cmplexty and Its Applications |
Vitanyi, P. |
Annuario del personale (Luglio 1993) |
Architettura SNA |
Pellerino |
Asinchr. Transfer Mode |
De Prycher |
Atm & Mpeg-2 : Integrating Digital Video into Broadband Networks Prentice Hall; ISBN: 0132437007 |
Michael Orzessek , Peter Sommer |
Atti del conv. Naz. di Analisi Numerica |
Behavior Based Robotics MIT Press ISBN: 0262011654 |
Ronald Arkin |
Building an open system |
Slonim |
Calcolo Parallelo:Metodi,Simulazioni, elab.Immagini |
Moltedo |
Casual Models and Intelligent Data Management |
Gammerman A. |
Casuality : Models, Reasoning, and Inference |
Pearl, Judea |
Client/Server Programming with JAVA & CORBA |
Orfali, Harkey |
D. Hestcnes, G. Sobczyk D. Reidel Publ. Co. 1984 |
Computational Complexity Addison Wesley - 0-201-53082-1 |
Christos Papadimitriou |
Computational Intelligence: A Logical Approach |
David Poole, Alan Mackworth e Randy Goebel |
Computer Communication (v.1) : OSI |
Stallings |
Computer Communication (v.2) : LAN |
Stallings |
Computer Communication (v.3) : DOD |
Stallings |
Computer crime, virus, hackers |
Computer engineering |
Bell |
Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice, Second Edition in C. Addison-Wesley Pub Co - 0201848406 |
James D. Foley, Andries van Dam, et al. |
Computer Networks, 3/e |
Andrew S. Tanenbaum |
Computer Programming and Architecture - The VAX |
Levy, Eckhouse |
Computer Science with Mathematica |
Roman E. Maeder |
Conceptual Spaces: The Geometry of Thought |
P. Gardenfars, Mit Press |
Constructing Intelligent Agents with JAVA |
Bigus, Bigus |
Controlo System Design |
Goodwin, Graham C.; Graebe, Stefan F. ; Salgado, Mario E. |
Convegno di Analisi Numerica (1988) |
Corso di programmazione in C++ |
S.B. Lippman |
Cryptography and Network Security – Principles and Practice – Seconda Edizione |
William Stallings |
Data Networks, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall |
Bertsekas D., Gallager R. |
Data Structures and Network Algorithms |
Robert E.T. |
DEC networks and architectures |
Malamud |
DECnet Phase V : An OSI implementation |
Martin |
Design of Reservation Protocols for Multimedia Com. |
Luca Delgrossi |
Designing efficient algorithm for Parallel comput. |
Quinn |
Dizionario di informatica |
Vollnhals |
Dizionario Inglese-Italiano |
Hazon |
Dizionario Italiano |
Garzanti |
DNS & BIND: in a nutshell |
Albitz & Liu |
Dynamic Logic |
David Harel, Dexter Kozen e Jerzy Tiuryn |
Eidologia informatica |
Marasso |
Elmagarmid Managment of heterogeneous and autonomous database systems Morgan Kaufmann Publishers |
Encyclopedia of software engineering (v.2) |
Marciniak |
Encyclopedia of swoftware engineering (v.1) |
Marciniak |
Engineering Networks for Synchronization, Ccs 7, and Isdn : Standards, Protocols, Planning, and Testing IEEE Telecommunication Handbook Series - ISBN: 0780311582 |
P. K. Bhatnagar |
Essence of Programming Using C++ |
Douglas Bell |
Evol. e prosp. Nell'arch. dei computer |
Hofmann |
Fast algor. & implem. on special parallel computers |
Miklosko |
Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems |
Franklin, Powell |
Finite element method for elliptic problems |
Ciarlet |
Firewalls and Internet Security |
William Cheswick and Steven Bellovin |
Fondamenti delle Neuroscienze e del Comportamento |
Schwartz Jeffrey H. |
Fondamenti di informatica |
Della Vigna |
Formal Concepì Analysis and Algebraic Geometry |
Tim Becker |
Foundations and Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics |
Gennaro Auletta |
Fuzzy Algorithms for Control |
Henk B. Verbruggen |
Fuzzy Control |
Kevin M. Passino, Stephen Yurkovich |
Fuzzy Logic Techniques for Autonomous Vehicle Navigation |
Dimiter Driankov, Alessandro Saffiotti |
General Purpose Parallel Computers |
Balbo-Vanneschi |
Geometric Computing for Perception Action Systems: Concepts, Algorithms, and Scientific Applications |
Bayro Corrochano Eduardo |
Geometric Computing with Clifford Algebras |
G. Sommer |
Graphics Programming With Java, Second Edition Charles River Media 1886801916 |
Roger T. Stevens |
Guida a IPV6 – McGrawHill |
Silvano Gai |
Guida a Linux – McGrawHill |
Daniel A. Tauber |
Guida alle reti di PC IBM |
Berry |
Handbook of Networking & Connectivity |
McLain (ed.) |
How to Solve It: Modern Heuristics |
Fogel, D.B. |
Human-Computer Interaction Prentice Hall - ISBN: 0132398648 |
A.J. Dix, J.E. Finlay, G.D. Abowd, R. Beale |
I moderni sistemi operativi |
A.S. Tanembaum |
IBM mainframes |
Prasad |
Il Cobol Teoria ed esercizi |
Spoletini |
Il Linguaggio C++, Seconda Edizione |
B. Stroustrup |
Il manuale del dBase III plus |
Trinetta |
Il Manuale Visual C++ - McGrawHill |
Murray Pappas |
Il manuale Visual C++ - Vol. 1: Il linguaggio |
Murray W. - Pappas C. |
Il sistema SAS |
Bandinelli |
Inforlation Theory: Fifty Years of Discovery |
Mclaughilin Steve |
Informatica |
Balossino |
Information-Theoretic aspects of Neural Networks |
Neelakanta, P.S. |
Inside OS/2 |
Letwin |
Insights into mobile multimedia communications Morgan Kaufmann Publishers |
Bull |
Intelligence in Networks |
Yongchareon, Aagesen, Wuwongse |
Intelligent Data Analysis: An Introduction |
Hand, D.J. |
Intelligenza Artificiale Un Approcc. |
Russell Norvin |
Interconnections Bridges and Routers in OSI and TCP/IP |
Radia Perlman |
Internetworking with TCP/IP (v.1) |
Comer |
Internetworking with TCP/IP (v.2) |
Comer |
Internetworking with TCP/IP (v.3) |
Comer |
Intr. all'analisi numerica matriciale e all'ottimizzaz. |
Ciarlet |
Introd. all'analisi. num. delle equaz. alle deriv. parz. |
Raviant |
Introduction to SNA networking |
Ranade |
Introductory Techniques for 3-D Computer Vision Prentice Hall - ISBN: 0132611082 |
Emanuele Trucco, Alessandro Verri |
Introduzione al C++ per Scienze ed Ingegneria |
D.M. Capper |
Introduzione al Pascal |
Findlay |
Introduzione al TP |
Java. Guida alla programmazione |
Jaworski Jamie |
Knowledge in Action |
R. Reiter, Mit Press |
La progett. Concettuale dei dati |
Batini |
LAN architectures & implementations |
Martin |
LAN architetture ed implementazioni |
Martin |
L'architettura SNA |
Pellerino |
L'architettura SNA- terza edizione |
Pellerino |
LATEX – A Document Preparation System, Addison Wesley |
Learning Perl |
Randal L. Schwartz |
Learning the Korn Shell |
Rosenblatt |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
Proceeding |
Linguaggio C |
Kernighan |
Macchine come noi |
Castelfranchi |
Managing Internet |
Liu-Peek |
Manuale di informatica |
Cioffi |
Mathematica for Scientists and Engineers Prentice – Hall |
R. Gass |
Matrix computation |
Golub |
Metodi e Strumenti per il progetto del software |
Montangero |
Minimal Networks: The Steiner Problem and Its Generalizations |
Ivanov A. O. |
Mobile Robotics: A Practical Introduction |
Ulrich Nehmzow |
Mobile Robotics: A Practical Introduction |
Ulrich Nehmzow |
Mobile Robotics: A Practical Introduction |
Ulrich Nehmzow |
Mobility: processes, computers and agents |
D. Milojicc, F. Douglis, R. Wheeler |
Model-Based Reasoning Science, Technology, Values |
L. Magnani and N. J. Nersessian |
Modelli matematici in biologia |
Capelo |
Moder Control Engineering |
Ogata Katsuhiko |
Modern Control Systems |
Dorf, Richard C.; Bishop, Robert H. |
Modern Heuristic Techniques for Combinatorial Problems |
Reves, Colin |
Clementi |
Multimedia Communications : Protocols and Applications Prentice Hall; ISBN: 0138569231 |
Franklin F. Kuo (Editor), Wolfgang Effelsberg, J. j Garcia-Luna-Aceves |
Multimedia Systems, Standards, and Networks |
Atul Puri, Tsuhan Chen |
Networking PC in organizations |
Weidlein |
Neural and Adaptive Systems: Fundamentals Through Simulations |
Josè C. Principe, Neil R. Euliano, W. Curt Lefebvre |
Neural Network Design PWS Publ. Co., 1996ISBN 0-534-94332-2 |
M. Hagan, H. Demuth, M. Beale |
David Hestenes Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht |
Numer. sol. of part. diff. equat. by finite elem. Method |
Johnson |
Numerical methods, software and analysis |
Rice |
Numerical quadrature & cubature |
Engels |
Open Geometry: Open GL+Advanced Geometry |
Glaeser G. e Stachel H. |
OpenGL(r) 1.2 Programming Guide, Third Edition Addison-Wesley Pub Co 0201604582 |
Mason Woo, Jackie Neider, Tom David, et al |
Parallel algorithms and matrix computation |
Modi |
Parallel computers 2 |
Hockney |
Parallel Computing |
Lipovski |
Parallel computing |
Evans-Sutti |
Pascal |
Cioni |
Peterson Computer Networks TX 2E |
Kaufmann |
Priciples of Data Mining |
David Hand, Heikki Mannila e Padhraic Smyth |
Principi di Neuroscienze |
Schwartz Jeffrey H. |
Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent System: Networks of Plausible Inference |
Judea Pearl |
Probability, Random Variables, and Stochastic Processes “Edizione in carta” |
Papoulis, Athanansios |
Problemi attuali dell’analisi e fisica matemetica |
Simposio |
Proceed.: Parallel & distributed algorithm |
Cosnard-Robert |
Proceedings SHARE EUROPE 1991 |
Proceedings SHARE EUROPE 1991:Vol I |
Proceedings SHARE EUROPE 1991:Vol II |
Proceedings SHARE EUROPE 1992 |
Proceedings SHARE EUROPE 1992 |
Proceedings SHARE EUROPE 1994 |
Progettazione strutturata (testo) |
Programmare in C++ |
J. Hubbard |
Programmare in Fortran 77 |
Palamara |
Programmare in Fortran 77 |
Palamara |
Programmazione Logica e Prolog |
Console |
Programmazione strutturata (compl.) |
Programming and deploying JAVA Mobile Agents with Aglets Computer & Engineering Publishing Group - ISBN 0-201-32582-9 |
D.Lange - M. Oshima |
Programming in Prolog |
Clocksin, Mellish |
Pulsed Neural Networks |
Wolfgang Maass and Christopher M. Bishop |
Quantum Computing |
Mika Hirvensalo |
Queueing systems (v.1) |
Kleinrock |
Queueing systems (v.2) |
Kleinrock |
Red Hat Linux |
D. Pitts |
Reinforcement Learning |
Sutton and Barto |
Relational database |
Date |
Relazione annuale programma CNR-MISM |
Repertorio delle Competenze Scientifiche degli Organi di Ricerca |
CNR - Com. Naz. di Consulenza |
Reti di dati |
Saccardi |
Reti Locali |
Saccardi |
Rick Darnell (Editor) Html 4 Unleashed - Sams 0672313472 |
Routing in the INTERNET |
C.Huitema |
Routing in Today's Internetworks: The routing ... |
Dickie |
Running Linux |
Welsh, Kaufman |
Ruoli anzianità personale (1990) |
Ruoli anzianità personale (1991) |
Ruoli anzianità personale (1993) |
Ruoli anzianità personale CNR (1989) |
Ruoli anzianità personale CNR (1989) |
Scient. comp. on IBM vect. multiproc. |
(v.1) |
Scient. comp. on IBM vect. multiproc. |
(v.2) |
Scientif. comput.: An introd. with Parallel comput. |
Golub & Ortega |
SEAS Proc. 1989 The corp. networks(v.1) |
SEAS Proc. 1989 The corp. networks(v.2) |
A. Jaklic, A. Leonardis, F. Solina, Kluwer |
Sendmail |
SHARE 74 Proc. , California |
SHARE 75 Proc. , New Orleans |
SHARE 79 Proc. , Atlanta, Georgia |
SHARE Eur. 1990 Open Systems (v.1) |
SHARE Eur. 1990 Open Systems (v.2) |
SHARE Eur. 1990 Syst. Appl. Arch (v.1) |
SHARE Eur. 1990 Syst. Appl. Arch (v.2) |
Sisteli ipertestuali ed interfacce cooperative |
Maioli |
Sistema di basi di dati |
Sistemi di comun. e reti di computer |
Halsall |
Sistemi operativi a macchine virtuali |
Naldi |
Sistemi operativi a macchine virtuali |
Naldi |
Sistemi operativi a macchine virtuali |
Naldi |
SNA architetture di rete IBM |
Martin |
Spatial Schemas and Abstract Thought |
Gattis |
Statistical Mechanics of Learning |
A Engel and C. Van den Broeck |
Statistics with Mathematica |
Abell, Braselton, Rafter |
Strutture Demografiche e Territoriali degli Addetti alla Ricerca Scientifica Pubblica |
CNR - A. Golini, A. Donato, F. Donato |
Studies on the Structure of Time – From Physics to Psychopathology |
Buccheri R., Di Gesù V., Saniga M. |
Supercomputer architecture |
Schneck |
Supercomputing tools for science & engineering |
Laforenza |
Superstring Theory – Vol. 1 |
Green, Schwarz e Witten |
Superstring Theory – Vol. 2 |
Green, Schwarz e Witten |
Tcl/Tk Tools |
Mark Harrison |
TCP/IP Illustarted Volume 3:TCP for Transactions, HTTP, NNTP and the UNIX Domain Protocols |
W. Richard Stevens |
TCP/IP Illustarted, Volume 2: The implementation |
Gary R. Wright and W. Richard Stevens |
TCP/IP Illustrated Volume I |
Steven |
TCP/IP Illustrated: The protocols |
Stevens |
Telecommunication networks |
Schwartz |
Telecommunications Local Networks |
Ritchie & Stern |
Teoria e progetto delle reti logiche |
Fadini |
The 3° conf. on hypercube concurr. comput. (v.1) |
Fox (ed.) |
The 3° conf. on hypercube concurr. comput. (v.2) |
Fox (ed.) |
The Annotated Vrml 2.0 Reference Manual Addison-Wesley Pub Co 0201419742 |
Rikk Carey, Gavin Bell |
The C++ Standard Library |
Nicolai M. Josuttis |
The Latex Companion Addison-Wesley Pub Co; ISBN: 0201541998 |
Michel Goossens, Frank Mittelbach , A. Samarin |
The matrix comp. network & conf. systems w. |
Quaterman |
The MIT encyclopedia of cognitive sciences MIT Press ISBN: 0262232006 |
R.A.Wilson, F.Keil |
The SAP R/3 System Addison Wesley; 0-201-59-617-2 |
Rudiger Buck-Emden |
The simple Book: Introd. manag. TCP/IP |
Rose |
Theory of Computation Addison Wesley - 0-201-25828-5 |
Bernard Moret |
Trasmissioni dati |
Andreoli |
Unix Network Programming |
W. Richard Stevens |
Unix System Administration Handbook |
Evi Nemeth, Garth Snyder, Scott Seebass, Trent R. Hein |
Unix System Administrator |
UNIX: Sviluppo del sw. di networking |
Stevens |
Visual C ++ 6 |
Kate Gregory |
Wavelet and Operators Cambridge University Press |
Meyer Y |
Wavelets and Filter banks, Wellesley-Cambridge Press, Wellsley, MA, 1996 |
Strang G., Nguyen T. |
Wavelets and suband coding – Prentice Hall |
Vetterli, Kovacevic |
X400 Message Handling |
Plattner |
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