Project Scope: Search and rescue Operations (SAROPs) in maritime environment are regulated by a series of procedures defined and approved at the worldwide level. These procedures are reported in the IAMSAR (International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue) Manual Volume II. In Italy, SAROPs in maritime environment are entrusted to the Corpo delle Capitanerie di Porto Guardia Costiera (Coast Guard), which uses an articulated organizational network sometimes involving other national forces to accomplish these operations. Scope of this project is to provide this organization with a computer aided system that covers all the procedures involved in maritime SAROPs and that is compliant to the guidelines provided by the IAMSAR manual.
Solution: In order to satisfy the requirements of the project, has been developed the ICAR SAR System, a software realized entirely with open source technology that provides an appropriate decision support in the first minutes of the event and that maximizes the effectiveness of search activity. The system provides the natural benefits that a computer aided system can give and it introduces some optimizations and extensions to the guidelines provided by the IAMSAR manual. Optimizations are the result of the use of techniques made more efficient by the use of available systems, while extensions allow the management of special situations possible in the particular geographical context of use. The following are the major features of the system:
- Use of User Interface for input typing of scenario's data and runtime consultation of the results.
- Digitalized management of data provided by the manual in graphic and chart form.
- Use of the Monte Carlo method to estimate the probability of containment associated to the search area.
- Check for possible intersections between search area and mainland and subsequent automatic correction.
- Management of the search facilities archive.
- Definition of the search action plan according to the search rescue units employed.
- Integration of a georeferenced view of the defined search action plan.
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