Conference | Date | Location | First deadline: |
Sigcomm2001 | Aug. 27-31, 2001 | San Diego, CA, USA | - |
Opensig 2001 | Sept. 24-25, 2001 | London UK | - |
3rd Annual Working Conf. on Active Networks |
30 Sept.-1,2 Oct., 2001 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA | - |
Globecom2001 | Nov. 25-29, 2001 | San Antonio, Texas | - |
IPDPS 2002
2nd Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing Issues in Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing |
April 15-19, 2002 | Fort Lauderdale, Florida (USA) | - |
Smartnet '2002 | April 8-10, 2002 | Saariselkä, Lapland, Finland | - |
ICCS2002 The 2nd Int.l Conf. on Computational Science |
April 21st - 24th, 2002 | Amsterdam (NL) | - |
2002 IFIP/IEEE 7th Workshop on Protocols for High-Speed Networks |
April 22-24, 2002 | Berlin, Germany | - |
Networking2002 | May 19-24, 2002 | Pisa - ITALY | - |
Infocom 2002 | June 23-27, 2002 | New York, USA | - |
The 5th IEEE Conf. on Open Architectures and Network Programming |
June 28-29, 2002 | New York, NY | - |
ISCC 2002 The Seventh IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications |
July 1 - 4, 2002 | Taormina, Italy | - |
International Network Conference 2002 |
July 16-18th, 2002 | University of Plymouth (UK) | - |
AMS 2002 4th Annual Workshop on Active Middleware Services |
July 22-24, 2002 | Edinburgh, UK | - |
HPDC-11 High Performance Distributed Computing, The Symposium on Grid Computing |
July 22-26, 2002 | Edinburgh, UK | - |
Sigcomm 2002 | August 19-23, 2002 | Pittsburgh PA, USA | - |
Globecom 2002 | Nov. 17-21, 2002 | Taipei, Taiwan | - |
OPENARCH2002 - short paper session | June 28-29, 2002 | New York, NY | - |
Milcom 2002 | 7-10 October 2002 | CA, USA | - |
ICN'02 and ICWLHN 2002
IEEE Int.l Conference on Networking |
26-29 Aug., 2002 | Atlanta, USA | April 10, 2002 |
IWAN2002 | 4-6 Dec., 2002 | Zurich (CH) | May 31, 2002 |
EUROMICRO 11th Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing |
5-7 Feb. 2003 |
Genoa, Italy |
14 June, 2002 |
ICT'2003 10th International Conference on Telecommunications |
Feb. 23-28, 2003 | Papeete, French Polynesia | Sept. 10, 2002 |
IM 2003
IFIP/IEEE Int.l Symposium on Integrated Network Management |
24-28 March 2003 | Colorado Springs, USA | August 1, 2002 |
Infocom 2003 22nd IEEE Int.l Conference on Computer Communications |
30-03-2003 | San Francisco, CA | July 10, 2002 |
Journal | first deadline |
IEEE JSAC "Network Support for multicast communications" | manuscript submission: September 1, 2001 |
Elsevier Science Journals:
CEP - CONTROL ENGINEERING PRACTICE (Elsevier) A Journal of IFAC - the International Federation of Automatic Control SPECIAL ISSUE on "Control Methods for Telecommunication Networks" |
30 April 2002 |
IEEE - Transactions
on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Special Issue on "Technologies that promote computational intelligence, openness and programmability in networks and Internet services" - Active and Programmable Networks - Fuzzy Logic |
1 July 2002 |
IEEE - Transactions
on Systems, Man and Cybernetics "Special Issue on Collective Intelligence: Intelligence through Multi-Robot /Multi-Agent Systems" - Multiple software agents in computer networks |
15 July 2002 |
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications INTERNET AND WWW MEASUREMENT, MAPPING, AND MODELING |
August 18, 2002 |
Reference Index:
NEC Reserch Index (Documents
and Citations)