Istituto di CAlcolo e Reti ad alte prestazioni

Sezione di Palermo

Attivitá scientifica dell'ex CERE dal 1989

Indice per anno
1989 1990 1991
1992 1993 1994
1995 1996  1997
2001 2002 2003


I temi della ricerca dell'attività scientifica svolta.



  1. S. Rizzo (Univ. PA), A. Tortorici Macaluso (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE)
    "Numeric Intensive Computation in Structural Analysis"
    Supercomputing Tools for Science and Engineering,1989
  2. E. Francomano (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE), C. Lodato (CERE), A. Pecorella (Univ. PA)
    "More Levels of BLAS in the treatment of algorithms"
    Supercomputing Tools for Science and Engineering, 1989



  1. S. Rizzo (Univ. PA), A. Tortorici Macaluso (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE)
    "Applicazioni di calcolo numerico intensivo all'analisi di strutture reticolari"
    CNR Technical report on project "Sistemi informatici e Calcolo Parallelo"n.1/42 1990



  1. E. Francomano (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE), A. Pecorella (Univ. PA), A. Tortorici Macaluso (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE)
    "Algoritmi per l'inversione di matrici orientati ad elaboratori shared memory"
    CNR Technical report on project "Sistemi informatici e Calcolo Parallelo"n.1/52 1991
  2. E. Francomano (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE), A. Pecorella (Univ. PA), A. Tortorici Macaluso (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE)
    "Parallel experience on the inverse Matrix Computation"
    Parallel Computing, 17 North Holland 1991
  3. M. Carmignani (Univ. PA), A. Tortorici Macaluso (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE)
    "Software per la risoluzione di PDE mediante schemi espliciti a grruppi"
    CNR Technical report on project "Sistemi informatici e Calcolo Parallelo"n.1/78, 1991
  4. E. Francomano (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE), A. Pecorella (Univ. PA), A. Tortorici Macaluso (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE)
    "Use of the Matrices Products in the Inverse Matrix Computation"
    Parallel Computing: Problems, Methods and Applications
    P. Messina and A. Murli 1992 Elsevier Science Publisher B.V.



  1. E. Francomano (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE), A. Tortorici Macaluso (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE)
    "A comparison of ESSL, SCILIB, IMSL libraries computing inverse matrix"
    V Annual Conference IMSL User Group Europe: Scientific Visualization &Numerical Computing, Monaco 1992
  2. M. Alfano (DIE-Univ. PA), G. Lo Re (CERE)
    "Metodi di distribuzione di un algoritmo numerico tramite NCS" CNR Technical report on project "Sistemi informatici e Calcolo Parallelo"n.1/124 1992
  3. C. Lodato (CERE)
    "Studio su metodi di misurazione dei tempi di CPU in ambiente IBM 3090 200j VF"
    CNR Technical report on project "Sistemi informatici e Calcolo Parallelo"n.1/123 1992
  4. M. Alfano (DIE-Univ. PA), G. Lo Re (CERE)
    "Distribuiting numerical algorithms: Some experiences with Network Computing System (NCS) and Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM)"
    Proc. Workshop on Cluster Computing, Tallahassee - Fl. USA - Dicembre 1992



  1. E. Francomano (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE), A. Tortorici Macaluso (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE)
    "Matrix multiplication analysis on high performance computers"
    CNR Technical report on project "Sistemi informatici e Calcolo Parallelo"n.1/140 1993
  2. A. Consiglio (Univ. PA), A. Genco (Univ. PA), A. Pecorella (Univ. PA), G. Pecorella (Univ. PA)
    "Parallel Implementation of Simulated Annealing by Distribuited Memory Systems"
    Proc. of ASE '93 Application of Supercomputers to Engineering, Bath, UK 1993
  3. A. Consiglio (Univ. PA), A. Genco (Univ. PA), A. Pecorella (Univ. PA)
    "Implementing Simulated Annealing in Hipercube Systems"
    Proc. of PARCO '93 Parallel Computing 93, Grenoble, France 1993



  1. A. Genco (DTPM-Univ. PA, CERE)
    "Parallel Simulated Annealing: Getting Super Linear Speedups"
    IEEE - Proc. of Second Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing, Malaga (Spain) - January, 26 - 28, 1994
  2. G. Ala (DIE-Univ. PA), P. Buccheri (DIE-Univ. PA), E. Francomano (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE), A. Tortorici Macaluso (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE)
    "An advanced algorithm for transient analysis of grounding systems by moments method"
    IEEE - Second International Conference on Computation in Elettromagnetics, 12 - 14/4/1994
  3. E. Francomano (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE), C. Lodato (CERE), A. Tortorici Macaluso (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE)
    "A recorrence-free variant of Strassen's algorithm on hipercube"
    "Journal of Parallel Algorithms and Apllication", vol.5 n.42, 1994
  4. S. Lopes (CERE), G. Lo Re (CERE)
    "On UNIX to VMS porting of PVM"
    Accademia di Sc. Lett. e Arti di Palermo A.A. 1993 - 1994
  5. C. Lodato (CERE)
    "An interactive conversation facility on CMS"
    Accademia di Sc. Lett. e Arti di Palermo A.A. 1993 - 1994
  6. C. Lodato (CERE), S. Lopes (CERE)
    "A prototype for distributed computing"
    Accademia di Sc. Lett. e Arti di Palermo A.A. 1993 - 1994
  7. M. Alfano (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE)
    "Objective, information and structure of schedulers for distribuited computing sistems"
    "Journal of Parallel and Distribuited Computing" 1994
  8. A. Genco (DTPM-Univ. PA, CERE), S. Lopes (CERE)
    "Job Shop Scheduling by Concurrent Simulated Annealing and Branch&Bound Algorithms"
    Proc. Int Conf CAPE Computer Aided Production Engineering, Palermo, 7 - 9/6/ 1994
  9. M. Alfano (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE)
    "A parallel application model for scheduling in distributed systems"
    Tutorial in the School on Parallel Programming Environments, Hanover New Hampshire USA, July 1994
  10. A. Genco (DTPM-Univ. PA, CERE), G. Lo Re (CERE)
    "A recognize-and-Accuse Policy to speed up Distributed Processes"
    13th annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, Los Angeles, USA, 14-17/8/1994
  11. A. Genco (DTPM-Univ. PA, CERE), G. Lo Re (CERE)
    "Parallel Process Migration by Application Scheduler"
    Proc. of ITS'94 SBT/IEEE International Telecommunication Symposium, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 22-26/8/1994
  12. M. Alfano (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE), A. Genco (DTPM-Univ. PA, CERE)
    "User Requirements and Distributed Scheduling Design"
    "Bullettin of IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Operating Systems and Application Environments" 1994
  13. M. Alfano ( DIE-Univ. PA, CERE), G. Lo Re (CERE)
    "Concurrent techniques for distributing numerical algorithms"
    Accademia di Sc. Lett. e Arti di Palermo A.A. 1993 - 1994
  14. M. Alfano (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE)
    "Modeling a distributed application with precedence and synchronization relations"
    Proc. IT&P'94, 26 giugno - 2 luglio 1994, Sofia, Bulgaria
  15. M. Alfano (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE)
    "Scheduling features in distributed systems"
    proc. of ITS'94 SBT/IEEE International Telecommunication Symposium, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 22-26/8/1994
  16. G. Lo Re (CERE), L. Delgrossi (IBM-ENC), T. Koeber (IBM-ENC)
    "TCP/IP Protocols over ATM Networks: First Experimental Results"
    Technical Report 43.9413, IBM European Networking Center, Heidelberg, Germany, September 1994.
  17. M. Alfano (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE)
    "Characteristic of schedulers for distributed computing systems"
    Proc. AICA '94, September 21 - 23, 1994, Palermo
  18. M. Alfano (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE), A. Genco (DTPM-Univ. PA, CERE), S. Lopes (CERE), A. Prestigiacomo (CERE)
    "Scheduling Simulation on a Parallel Virtual Machine"
    Proc. of the European Simulation Symposium ESS'94, 9-12/10/1994, Istanbul, Turkey
  19. E. Francomano (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE), C. Lodato (CERE), A. Tortorici (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE)
    "L'algoritmo di Winograd su nCube"
    Rapporto Tecnico Progetto Finalizzato Sistemi Informatici e Calcolo Parallelo N. 1/203, Novembre 1994.
  20. G. Ala, E. Francomano, A. Tortorici
    "Il calcolo intensivo applicato al metodo dei momenti per campi elettromagnetici generati da dispersori complessi"
    Rapporto Tecnico CNR, Progetto Finalizzato Sistemi Informatici e Calcolo Parallelo, n.1/202, Novembre 1994.



  1. A. Genco (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE)
    "Using Workstation Network for Parallel Computing"
    Proc. of ASEí95, Applications of High Performance Computing in Engineering, Milano, 1995
  2. A. Genco (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE), S. Lopes (CERE), G. Lo Re (CERE), M. Tartamella (Univ. PA, CERE)
    "Routing Optimization by Concurrent Genetic Algorithm"
    Proc. of ASEí95, Applications of High Performance Computing in Engineering, Milano, 1995
  3. L. Delgrossi (IBM-ENC), G. Lo Re (CERE)
    "Communication over ATM: Optimizing the Communication Software"
    Proc. of ASEí95, Applications of High Performance Computing in Engineering, Milano, 1995
  4. M. Alfano (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE), A. Genco (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE), G. Lo Re (CERE)
    "Scheduling Distributed Algorithms on Heterogeneous Computer Networks"
    Proc. of ASEí95, Applications of High Performance Computing in Engineering, Milano, 1995
  5. A. Genco (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE), S. Lopes (CERE)
    "Genetic Algorithms on Distributed Systems"
    Proc. of ASE95, Applications of High Performance Computing in Engineering, Mila no, 1995
  6. E. Ardizzone (DIE-Univ. PA), A. Genco (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE), C. Lodato (CERE), G. Lo Re (CERE), R. Pirrone (DIE-Univ. PA)
    "A Parallel Approach to the Extraction of Boundary and Shading Information from Digital Images"
    Proc. of ASEí95, Applications of High Performance Computing in Engineering, Milano, 1995
  7. A. Genco (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE), G. Lo Re (CERE)
    "The Egoistic Approach to Parallel Proces Migration into Heterogeneous Workstation Network"
    "Euromicro - Journal of Systems Architectures", 1995
  8. G. Ala (CERE), E. Francomano (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE), A. Macaluso Tortorici (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE)
    "Parallel Approach for Transients in Grounding Systems"
    Proc. of ASE ë95, Applications of High Performance Computing in Engineering, Milano, 1995
  9. G. Ala (DIE-Univ. PA), E. Francomano (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE), A. Macaluso Tortorici (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE)
    "The Iterative Moment Method on CRAY T3D, PARA 395"
    Workshop on Applied Parallel Computing in Physics, Chemistry and Engineering Science - Denmark- Agosto 1995
  10. E. Francomano (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE), A. Tortorici Macaluso (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE),M. Vajtersic (acd. of Sciences, Bratislava)
    "Implementation analysis of fast matrix multiplication algorithms on shared memory computers"
    Computer and Artificial Intelligence, Vol.14, n.3 pp.299-312, 1995.
  11. G. Ala, P. Buccheri, E. Francomano, A. Tortorici
    "Il calcolo intensivo applicato ad algoritmi numerici per lo studio di problemi elettromagnetici",
    XI Riunione annuale dei Ricercatori del Gruppo Nazionale di Elettrotecnica, Giugno 1995



  1. A. Genco (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE), G. Lo Re (CERE), C. Lodato (CERE), S. Lopes (CERE)
    "Efficient Iterative Solution for Routing into Delay-Sensitive Networks"
    Proc. of Circuits, Systems and Computers 96 - Il Pireo, Grecia 15 - 17 Luglio 1996
  2. A. Genco (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE), G. Lo Re (CERE), G. Lombardo
    "Bandwidth Minimisation for Multiple Video Sequence Transmission"
    Proc. of Circuits, Systems and Computers 96 - Il Pireo, Grecia 15 - 17 Luglio 1996
  3. A. Genco (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE), G. Lo Re (CERE)
    "Improving Process Migration by Local Naming Policy"
    Proc. of SCS Conference Euromedia 96, London December 19 -21 1996
  4. A. Genco (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE), G. Lo Re (CERE)
    "Video-on-Demand Multiplexing Optimisation"
    Proc. of SCS Conference Euromedia 96, London December 19 -21 1996
  5. Sparacia, G. Lo Re (CERE), T. Bartolotta, A. Lo Casto, G. Mercurio,
    "Asynchronous Transfer Mode: Nuove Prospettive per la Trasmissione di Immagini Radiologiche ad Alta Velocità"
    Proc. of 37 Congresso nazionale SIRM Milano, Maggio 1996
  6. Sparacia, G. Lo Re (CERE), Lo Casto A., Midiri M., Lagalla R.,
    "Design and implementation of a small-size PACS server based on asynchronous transfer mode (ATM)",
    Computer Aided Radiology CAR 96 Parigi Giugno 1996
  7. Sparacia, G. Lo Re (CERE), A. Lo Casto, F. Castelli, R. Lagalla,
    "RADPA - A World-Wide Web Radiology Server on the Internet"
    Proceedings of 19th International Congress of Radiology ICR'96 Pechino Giugno 1996




  1. C. Lodato (CERE), S. Lopes G. (CERE)
    "Transport Protocols Performance Evaluation On Atm Networks "
    Accademia Nazionale di Scienze, Lettere e Arti - Palermo - 27 Maggio 1997
  2. G. Di Fatta (CERE), A. Genco (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE), G. Lo Re (CERE)
    "Bottlenecks in Name Resolution of Migrating Processes"
    HPC '97 Conference - Santiago de Compostela, Spain
  3. L. Delgrossi (CRATOS), A. Genco (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE), G. Lo Re (CERE)
    "Construction of reservation-based multicast trees for networked multimedia services"
    HPC '97 Conference - Santiago de Compostela, Spain
  4. A. Genco (DIE-Univ. PA, CERE)
    "Problems, Solutions and Applications of Parallel Computing on Distribuited Systems"
    High-Performance Computing Vol. 4 - Algorithms and Applications of Parallel Computing - Computational Mechanics Publications - 1997
  5. G. Ala, P. Buccheri, E. Francomano, A. Tortorici
    "Parallel computational techniques applied to direct and iterative method of moments in solving EM field of extended earth electrodes exposed to lightning strokes"
    IX International Symposium on Theoetical Electrical Engineering , pp.248-251, Giugno 1997



  1. A. Chella, M. Frixione, S. Gaglio
    "An architecture for autonomous agents exploiting conceptual representations"
    Robotics and Autonomous Systems 25 (1998) 231-240
  2. G. Di Fatta, G. Lo Re
    "Multicast Routing Tree Optimisation"
    Investigacao Operacional Journal. 18 (1998) 155-165


  3. G. Di Fatta, G. Lo Re, C. Lodato, S. Lopes
    "Transmission Protocols Processing in a Resource Reservation Environment"
    Euromedia 98 Conference
    Leicester, UK 5-7 January 1998
  4. C. Lodato, S. Lopes
    "A MPEG Video Source Characterisation For Resource Reservation Networks"
    European Simulation Multiconference 1998
    Manchester, UK 16-19 June, 1998.
  5. G. Di Fatta, G. Lo Re
    "An Effective Algorithm to Improve Multicast Routing Trees",
    Optimization '98 Conference
    Coimbra, Portugal - July 20-22, 1998.
  6. G. Di Fatta, G. Lo Re
    "Efficient Tree Construction for the Multicast Problem"
    SBT/IEEE International Telecommunications Symposium ITS '98,
    Sao Paulo, Brazil - August 9-13, 1998.
  7. G. Ala, V. Calderone, E. Francomano
    "Application of wavelets for electromagnetic transients in electric power substations grounding systems",
    VIII International Symposium on Numerical Field in Electrical Engineering - Graz, September 1998.
  8. A. Genco, G. Lombardo
    "MPEG Video Frame Discard by Fuzzy Control"
    IEEE Globecom98
    Sydney, Australia, November 1998


  9. G. Ala, P. Buccheri, V. Calderone, E. Francomano, A. Tortorici
    "Numerical algorithms for electromagnetic problems",
    IV Congresso Nazionale della Societa' Italiana di Matematica Applicata e Industriale - SIMAI, June 1998.
  10. A. Chella, G. Di Fatta, S.Gaglio, M.D.Guarino, I.Infantino, G.Lo Re, G.Sajeva
    "A Distributed Architecture for Cognitive Teleautonomy",
    AI*IA-98 Workshop on New Trends in Robotics
    Padua (Italy), September 25th 1998.


  11. A. Chella, G. Di Fatta, S. Gaglio, M.D. Guarino, I. Infantino, G. Lo Re, G. Sajeva
    "A Distributed Architecture for Cognitive Teleautonomy",
    CERE-CNR Technical Report 01.98 - June 1998.
  12. G. Di Fatta, G. Lo Re
    "A Post-Processing Technique for the Minimal Steiner Tree Problem"
    CERE-CNR Technical Report 02.98 - June 1998.
  13. V. Calderone, E. Francomano, A. Tortorici
    "L'analisi multirisolutiva per la ricostruzione 3D da sequenze di immagini",
    CERE-CNR Technical Report 03.98 - December 1998.
  14. Werner Almesberger, Giuseppe Di Fatta, and Jean-Yves Le Boudec
    Scalable Policing Using Statistical Pattern Recognition
    Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne - Technical Report SSC036, November 1998
  15. E. Francomano
    "Un modello lineare per il calcolo dei parametri di moto da una sequenza di immagini"
    CERE-CNR Technical Report 04.98 - December 1998.
  16. E. Francomano
    "Regolarizzazione del flusso ottico mediante analisi multirisolutiva"
    CERE-CNR Technical Report 05.98 - December 1998.





  1. A. Chella, M. Frixione, S. Gaglio,
    "Understanding Dynamics Scenes"
    submitted to Artificial Intelligence Journal.
  2. G. Di Fatta, G. Lo Re,
    "Efficient Tree Construction for the Multicast Problem"
    Special issue of the Journal of the Brazilian Telecommunications Society, 1999.
  3. G. Ala, E. Francomano, A. Tortorici,
    "The method of moments for electromagnetic transients in grounding systems on distributed multiprocessors"
    Journal on Parallel Algorithms and Applications, Vol. 14, issue 3, 1999.
  4. E. Ardizzone, A. Capra, M. La Cascia,
    "Using Temporal Texture for Content-Based Video Retrieval"
    Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, Academic Press (in press).


  5. V. Calderone, E. Francomano, A. Tortorici
    "Optical flow regularization by using M-band wavelets",
    submitted SIAM Annual Meeting May 1999.
  6. E. Francomano, A. Tortorici
    "Parallel experience on a regularized optical flow",
    submitted PARCO 1999.
  7. E. Ardizzone, C. Lodato, S. Lopes
    "Temporal Segmentation of MPEG Video Sequences",
    D. Huijsmans, A. Smeulders (Eds.). "Visual Information and Information Systems",
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1614 Springer-Verlag, pagg. 283-290,
    Proc. of VISUAL99 Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2-4 June, 1999.
  8. L. Delgrossi, G. Di Fatta, D. Ferrari, G. Lo Re,
    "Interference and Communications among Active Network Applications",
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 1653, Springer-Verlag, pagg. 97-108,
    Proc. of IWAN'99, Berlin, Germany, 30 June - 2 July 1999.
  9. A. Chella, M. Frixione, S. Gaglio
    "A Conceptual Representation of the Actions of an Autonomous Robot"
    submitted to EUROBOT 99.
  10. A. Chella, S. Gaglio, D. Guarino, I. Infantino
    "An Artificial High-level Vision Agent for the Interpretation of a Robotic Arm"
    accepted to i-SAIRAS 99 -International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence,
    Robotics and Automation in Space, The Netherlands.
  11. E. Ardizzone, R. Pirrone,
    "An Architecture for the Recognition and Classification of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions in MR Images"
    in Shahar Y., Miksch S. (eds.) Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine and Pharmacology (IDAMAP 99), (1999), 1-12.
  12. C. Lodato, S. Lopes,
    "CBWT - A VBR Delay Constrained Traffic Transmission Method for Resource Reservation Networks",
    Proc. of Distributed Multimedia Systems DMS99 International Conference University of Aizu, Japan, July 28-30, 1999.
  13. C. Lodato, S. Lopes,
    "Constant Bandwidth Transmission in Continuous and Non-Continuous Modality",
    Proceedings of 11th European Simulation Symposium and Exhibition Simulation in Industry International Conference,
    Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen - Germany, October 26-28, 1999.


  14. C. Amoroso, A. Chella, V. Morreale, P. Storniolo
    "A Feed-Forward Neural Network for Robust Segmentation of Color Images",
    submitted to Workshop Italiano sulle Reti Nerurali WIRN-99, Vietri sul Mare, SA.
  15. E. Ardizzone, A. Chella, R. Pirrone, F. Alfano,
    "An Architecture for Automatic Gesture Analysis",
    Proc. of AVI2000 Conference, Palermo, Italy, May 2000 (in press).
  16. E. Ardizzone, A. Chella, R. Pirrone,
    "Pose Classificazion Using SVM",
    Proc. of IEEE IJCNN2000, Como, Italy, July 2000 (in press).


  17. L. Delgrossi, G. Di Fatta, D. Ferrari, G. Lo Re
    "Interference and Communications among Active Network Applications",
    Quaderni del CRATOS, Serie di Telematica, CTR-T99-001
    Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Piacenza, January 1999
  18. G. Di Fatta, G. Lo Re,
    "A Distributed Algorithm with Linear Speedup for the Steiner Tree Problem",
    CERE-CNR Technical Report 01.99 - February 1999.
  19. A. Chella, G. Di Fatta, G. Favaro', M.D. Guarino, G. Lo Re,
    "A Reconfigurable Neural Environment on Active Networks",
    CERE-CNR Technical Report 02.99 - May 1999.
  20. M.D. Guarino
    "Realizzazione di un Sito Web Fruibile in Internet per il Coordinamento Nazionale di Progetti di Ricerca Relativi alla Robotica Spaziale",
    CERE-CNR Technical Report 03.99 - June 1999.
  21. M.D. Guarino
    "Realizzazione di una Interfaccia Uomo-Macchina Avanzata per un Sistema Informatico di Supporto alle Decisioni per lo Smaltimento dei Rifiuti Solidi Urbani",
    CERE-CNR Technical Report 04.99 - July 1999.
  22. M.D. Guarino
    "Realizzazione di un Sito Web Fruibile in Internet Relativo ad un Sistema di Visione Artificiale per la Descrizione di Scene in Movimento"
    CERE-CNR Technical Report 05.99 - September 1999.
  23. V. Calderone
    "Costruzione di Spline-wavelet su intervalli limitati"
    CERE-CNR Technical Report 06.99 - 1999.






  1. G. Ala, E. Francomano, A.Tortorici

The method of moments for electromagnetic transients in grounding systems on distributed multiprocessors, Parallel Algorithms and Applications, Vol.14, n.3, pp. 213-233, 2000, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.



  1. E. Ardizzone, A. Chella, R. Pirrone, F. Alfano,
    "An Architecture for Automatic Gesture Analysis",
    Proc. of AVI2000 Conference, Palermo, Italy, May 2000.


  1. E. Ardizzone, A. Chella, R. Pirrone,
    "Pose Classificazion Using SVM",
    Proc. of IEEE IJCNN2000, Como, Italy, July 2000.


4.         G. Di Fatta, S. Gaglio, G. Lo Re, M. Ortolani, 
“Artificial Ants for Active Routing”, 
IAS6, the 6th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems. Venice,July 2000.
5.         Di Fatta G., Gaglio S., Lo Re G., Ortolani M., "Adaptive Routing in 
Active Networks", IEEE Openarch 2000, Tel Aviv Israel 23-24 March 2000.
6.         A.Chella, G.Di Fatta, G. Favarò, D.Guarino, G.Lo Re, "A Reconfigurable 
Neural Environment on Active Networks", Proc. of IEEE IJCNN 2000, Como, 
Italy, July 2000.
  1. A.Chella , D.Guarino , I. Infantino, R.Pirrone.
"An High-Level Vision System for the Symbolic Interpretation of Dynamic Scenes by the ARSOM Neural Networks". 
ECAI 2000- Workshop on "Machine Learning in Computer Vision",Berlin, August 2000.


  1. V.Calderone, E. Francomano, A.Tortorici

Optical flow computation in a multi-scale framework, Applicable Mathematics Its Perspectives and Challenges, International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences (ICRAMS) 2000, 20-22 Dicembre 2000, pp.153-162.


  1. Machì, M Tripiciano
"Video Shot Detection and Characterisation in Semi-automatic Digital Video Restoration" Safeliu et als eds.  IEEE Proceedings
15th ICPR , Barcelona 2000, pp 855-859 


  1. A.Anzalone, A.Machi'
"Tracking of Moving Objects Based on Motion Prediction and Distance in Feature Space"
IEEE Proceedings of "First International Workshop on
Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance (PETS'2000)", Grenoble 2000,



11.  G.Ala, V.Calderone, E.Francomano, A.Tortorici,

Analisi di transitori elettromagnetici mediante l’impiego delle wavelts su intervallo, XVII Riunione annuale dei Ricercatori del gruppo nazionale del coordinamento di Elettrotecnica, pp.269-270, Udine, 15-17 Giugno 2000.






1.      Infantino, R. Cipolla, A. Chella,

"Reconstruction of architectural scenes from uncalibrated photos and maps", IEICE - Transaction on Information and System, Special Issue on "Machine Vision Applications",  Dicembre 2001.


2.      R. Pirrone, I. Infantino, D. Guarino, A. Chella,

"A Vision System for Symbolic Interpretation of Dynamic Scenes", AAI Special Issue on "Machine Learning in Computer Vision", Settembre 2001.


3.      F. Alonge, F. D’Ippolito, F. M. Raimondi, A. Urso,

 “Method for Designing PI-Type Fuzzy Controllers for Induction Motor Drives”,

IEE Proceedings on Control Theory and Applications, vol. 148, n. 1, January 2001, pp. 61-69.




4.      A.Chella, I. Infantino, M. D. Guarino,

“Localisation and description of  the movements of a robotic arm for space applications by active contour techniques on image sequence”, Proc. of International Symposium on Artificial Inteligence, Robotics and Automation in Space, ISAIRAS 2001,  Montreal, June 2001.


5.      S. Vitabile, G. Pilato, G. Pollaccia, F. Sorbello 

"Road Signs Recognition Using a Dynamic Pixel Aggregation Technique in the HSV Color 
Space", Proc. of 11° International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP), Palermo - Italy, pp. 572-577, IEEE Computer Society Press.

6.      Chella, S. Vitabile, R. Sorbello

"A Vision Agent for Mobile Robot Navigation in Time-Variable Environments", 
Proc. of 11° International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP), Palermo - Italy, pp. 559-564, IEEE Computer Society Press.

7.      S. Vitabile, A. Gentile F. Sorbello 

"An Hybrid Approach to Automatic Road Sign Recognition", 
Proc. of SSGRR 2001 - International Conference on Advances in Infrastructure for Electronic Business, Science, and  Education on the Internet, L'Aquila - Italy.


8.      F. Alonge, F. D’Ippolito, F.M. Raimondi, A. Urso,

 “Torque and Scaled Rotor Flux Control of Induction Motor Drives  Using Robust Control Techniques,”

 Proc. of the 1stInternational Conference on Information Technology in Mechatronics, ITM ’01, Istanbul, Turkey, October 1-3, 2001, pp. 308-313.


9.      F. Alonge, F. D’Ippolito, F.M. Raimondi, A. Urso,

 “A Systematic Approach to Design Fuzzy Regulators,”

Proc. of the 1stInternational Conference on Information Technology in Mechatronics, ITM ’01, Istanbul, Turkey, October 1-3, 2001, pp.339-344.






10.  G. Di Fatta, G. Lo Re,

"Active Networks: an Evolution of the Internet", 
Proc. of AICA2001 - 39th Annual Conference, Cernobbio, Italy, 19-22 Sept. 2001.

11.  Chella, R. Sorbello, S. Vitabile

"A Bayesian Approach for Mobile Robot Navigation in Time-Variable Environments", 
Proc. of the Workshop on Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - 7th Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence - Bari - Italy, pp. 127-136.

12.  Chella, R. Sorbello, S. Vitabile, S.M. Siniscalchi

 "A New Hybrid Multi-Agent Architecture for the Coordination of a Robots Colony", 
Annual Workshop of the "Gruppo Lavoro Robotica" - Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence - Milano - Italy.


13.  Chella, R. Sorbello, S. Vitabile, S.M. Siniscalchi

 "A New Hybrid Multi-Agent Architecture: Metaphor of Italian Politics", 
Atti del Workshop "L'ingegneria del Software e le Tecnologie ad Agenti", March 14 2002, Palermo, Italy, pp. 58-63.


14.  F. Alonge, F. D’Ippolito, G. Giardina, F. M. Raimondi, A. Urso,

“Controllo Diretto di Coppia di Motori Asincroni per Trazione”,

atti del congresso nazionale ANIPLA, AUTOMAZIONE '01, Ancona, Italy, November 22-23, 2001.




15.  G. Di Fatta, G. Lo Re,

 "Active Networks: the State of the Art", 
CERE-CNR Technical Report 02.01 March 2001.

16.  G. Di Fatta, P. Fidicaro, G. Lo Re,

 " Trasmissione multicast efficiente di flussi video MPEG-2 su protocollo RTP" , CERE-CNR Technical Report 03.01 April 2001.

17.  G. Di Fatta, G. Lo Presti, G. Lo Re.

"Computer Networks Topologies" , CERE-CNR Technical Report 05.01 July 2001.


18.  E. Francomano, C. Macaluso

On smoothness of optical flow with discrete wavelet transform, Rapporto Tecnico CE.R.E., n.4, 2001.


19.  E. Francomano, C.Lodato, S.Lopes, A.Tortorici

Analysis of an optical flow estimator on multiprocessor environment, Rapporto Tecnico CE.R.E., n.1, 2001.






1.      Chella, M. Frixione, S. Gaglio

“Anchoring symbols to conceptual spaces: the case of dynamic scenarios”,
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 1-14 2002 Elsevier Science B.V.





2.      G. Di Fatta, S. Gaglio, G. Lo Re, G. Lo Presti,

Logical Reasoning for Active Network Management, poster at 4th annual IFIP International 
Working Conferente on Active Networks, IWAN 2002, December 4 6 ETH Zurich, Switzerland.

3.      Barone, P. Chirco, G. Di Fatta, G. Lo Re,

"A Management Architecture For Active Networks", IEEE Proc. of AMS 2002, 4th Annual Workshop on Active Middleware Services, July 22-26, 2002, Edinburgh (UK).

4.      G. Di Fatta, G. Lo Re, A. Urso,

"A Fuzzy Approach for the Network Congestion Problem", LNCS Proc. of The 2nd Int. Conf. on Computational Science, Amsterdam (NL), Apr. 1, 2002.


5.      Infantino, A. Gentile, A. Chella,

“A SIMD embedded architecture implementing a vision agent for space applications”, 7th ESA Workshop on Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation, 'ASTRA 2002', 19-21 November 2002, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands.


6.      Ruisi, M. Cossentino, I. Infantino, A. Chella, R. Pirrone 

“An Agent Based Architecture for Cooperative Robotics in Vision Tasks”, IROS-2002 Workshop on Cooperative Robotics, Lausanne, Switzerland, October 1, 2002.


7.      Infantino, M. Cossentino, A. Chella,

“An Agent Based Multilevel Architecture for robotics vision systems”, The 2002 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IC-AI'02), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 2002


8.      Infantino, A. Gentile, A. Chella,

“Implementing a robotic arm supervising agent for space applications on a SIMD embedded architecture”, MPCS 2002, Fourth Int'l Conference on Massively Parallel Computing Systems, Ischia, Italy, Apr. 2002.


9.      S. Vitabile, A. Gentile, F. Sorbello

"A Neural Network based Automatic Road Signs Recognizer", 
Proc. of 2002 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence - International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Honolulu - USA, pp. 2315-2320, IEEE Computer Society Press.

10.  Gentile, M. Cossentino, S. Vitabile, A. Chella, F. Sorbello

"Intelligent Agent Mapping on a Massively Parallel MIMD Computing 
Proc. of 2002 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'02), Las Vegas - USA, vol. II, pp. 850-855, CSREA Press.

11.  Chella, R. Sorbello, S. Vitabile, A. Lo Grosso, D. Massara, A. Sortino and S.M. Siniscalchi

"A New Paradigm for the Coordination of Bomb Disposal Expert Robot Team",
2002 FIRA Robot World 
Congress, Seoul - Korea, Proc. of FIRA 2002 edited by Korean Advanced 
Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) pp. 68-73.

12.  Chella, R. Sorbello, S. Vitabile, S.M. Siniscalchi

"MIP: A New Hybrid Multi-Agent Architecture for the Coordination of a Robot 
Colony Activities", 
15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), Lyon - France, Proc. of ECAI 2002 edited by F. Van Harmelen, IOS Press, 2002 pp. 713-717.

13.  S. Vitabile, A. Gentile, G. Dammone, F. Sorbello (2002).

"MLP Neural Network Implementation on a SIMD Architecture", M. Marinaro, R. 
Tagliaferri (Eds.): Neural Nets - 13th Italian Workshop on Neural Nets, WIRN VIETRI 2002, Vietri sul Mare, Italy, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2486, Springer-Verlag , pp. 99-108.

14.  S. Vitabile, A. Gentile, G. Dammone, F. Sorbello

"Multi-Layer Perceptron Mapping on a SIMD Architecture",
Proc. of 12th IEEE International Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing (NNSP), 
Martigny - Valais - Switzerland, pp. 667-675.

15.  V. Conti, G. Pilato, S. Vitabile, F. Sorbello

"A Robust System for Fingerprints Identification", 
Proc. of International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information  Engineering Systems & Allied Technologies (KES 2002), Podere d'Ombriano - Crema - Italy, IOS Press, 
pp. 1162-1166.


16.  Lo Grosso, D. Massara, A. Sortino, R. Sorbello, S. Vitabile, A. Chella,

"A Fuzzy Based Navigator for the Coordination of a Robot Colony", 
Proc. of Workshop on Cooperative Robotics - 2002 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2002) -October 1, 2002, Lausanne, Switzerland.


17.  Alberto Machi, Fabio Collura, Filippo Nicotra

"Detection of Irregular Linear Scratches in Aged Motion Picture Frames   and Restoration using Adaptive Masks"

IASTED SIP02,Kawai USA 2002




18.  Chella, R. Sorbello, S. Vitabile (2002).

"A New Bayesian Agent for Autonomous Robots Navigation in Time-Variable Environments", bulletin of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, 2002, Vol. 1, pp. 31-34.




19.  M. Cossentino, I. Infantino, A. Chella, “A Distributed Agent Based Architecture for Robotics Vision Systems", Workshop annuale del gruppo di lavoro Robotica, VIII Convegno della AI*IA, Siena,10-13 Settembre 2002.


20.  Infantino, A. Gentile, A. Chella, “A Vision Agent for Robotics: Implementation on a SIMD Machine” ,Workshop su percezione e visione delle macchine, VIII Convegno della AI*IA, Siena,10-13 Settembre 2002.


21.  Gentile, M. Cossentino, S. Vitabile, A. Chella, F. Sorbello

"Intelligent Agent Implementation on a MIMD Platform", 
Atti del Workshop "L'ingegneria del Software e le Tecnologie ad Agenti", March 14 2002, Palermo, Italy, pp. 52-57.

22.  V. Conti, G. Pilato, S. Vitabile, F. Sorbello

"Verification of Ink-on-paper Fingerprints by Using Image Processing Techniques and a New Matching Operator", 
VIII° Convegno Associazione Italiana per l'Intelligenza Artificiale (AI*IA) - Workshop sulla Percezione e Visione delle Macchine - Siena - Italy - pp. 594-601.

23.  Chella, R. Sorbello, A. Lo Grosso, D. Massara, A. Sortino, S. Vitabile

"Coordination of Robot Agency By Fuzzy Rules", VIII° Convegno Associazione Italiana per l'Intelligenza Artificiale (AI*IA) - Workshop su Agenti Robotici - Siena - Italy - pp. 814-823.





24.  M. Liotta, A. Gentile, S.Vitabile, F. Sorbello:

"Analisi del mapping su architettura SIMPil di un sistema di riconoscimento automatico dei segnali stradali", 
CERE, Palermo - Italy, Rapporto Interno 01/ 2002.







  1. E.Francomano, C.Lodato, S.Lopes, A.Tortorici

An optical flow estimation algorithm based on a quasi-interpolant operator, Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, Cambridge Sciences Press, Volume 3, n.3, pp. 59-76, 2003


  1. V.Calderone, E. Francomano, A.Tortorici

Regularization of optical flow with M-band wavelet transform, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Ed. Pergamon, Elsevier Science Publishers. Volume 45, 1-3, pp 437-452, January-February 2003.

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