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FIPA Methodology Technical Committee |
Working Area | |
Home Glossary Guideline Meta-model Method Base Members List |
Lastname | Name | Affiliation | |
Babar | Zia | zbabar([at)luminous.com | San Jose State University, California |
Bauer | Bernhard | bernhard.bauer([at)informatik.uni-augsburg.de | University of Augsburg |
Bernon | Carole | Carole.Bernon([at)irit.fr | IRIT / University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse - France |
Beydoun | Ghassan | g.beydoun([at)unsw.edu.au | School of Information Systems and Management, University of New South Wales, Australia |
Calisti | Monique | mca([at)whitestein.com | Whitestein Technologies |
Cossentino | Massimo | cossentino([at)pa.icar.cnr.it | ICAR/CNR (Italian National Research Council) |
Cysneiros | Gilberto Amado de Azevedo Cysneiros Filho | G.Cysneiros([at)soi.city.ac.uk | City University, London - PhD Student |
David | Nuno | Nuno.David([at)iscte.pt | ADETTI/ISCTE |
Eggenberger | Martin | meggenberger([at)stentor.com | Personal Research & ACM Member |
Garro | Alfredo | garro([at)si.deis.unical.it | D.E.I.S. - University of Calabria |
Gleizes | Marie-Pierre | gleizes([at)irit.fr | IRIT |
Henderson-Sellers | Brian | bhs([at)bigpond.net.au | University of Technology, Sydney |
Hopmans | Gabriel | g.hopmans([at)crs.unimaas.nl | Communications Research & Semiotics, University Maastricht |
Huget | Marc-Philippe | M.P.Huget([at)csc.liv.ac.uk | Agent ART Group, University of Liverpool |
Ingram | Maciej | ingram([at)op.pl | he Cracow University of Technology (Poland) |
Jouvin | Denis | djouvin([at)free.fr | LIRIS (CNRS FRE 2672), université Lyon 1 |
Leversee | Kevin | klca([at)pacific.net.au | Zed Tycho Pty. Ltd |
Levy | Renato | rlevy([at)i-a-i.com |
Automation Inc. |
Marchese | Roberto | marchy83([at)virgilio.it | -- |
Massonet | Philippe | phm([at)cetic.be | CETIC (http://www.cetic.be/EN/indexEN.htm) |
Mattocks | Charles | CarlMattocks([at)CHECKMi.com | CHECKMi |
Mellouli | Sehl | sehl.mellouli([at)ift.ulaval.ca | Laval University |
Morreale | Vito | vito.morreale([at)eng.it | Engineering Ingegneria Informatica |
Odell | James | mail([at)jamesodell.com | James Odell Associates |
Pavon | Juan | jpavon([at)sip.ucm.es | Universidad Complutense Madrid |
Pinto | Rosa Candida | rccp([at)cin.ufpe.br | Nilson Borba Bezerra Cavalcanti and Maria Luiza de Souza Leão Cavalcanti |
Pirker | Michael | Michael.Pirker@Profactor.at | PROFACTOR Produktionsforschungs GmbH |
Postnikov | Alexey | alexpost([at)kbsunet.ru | Russia, Taganrog State University Of Radioengineering |
Reitbauer | Alois | alois.reitbauer([at)profactor.at | Profactor Produktionsforschungs GmbH |
Sabatucci | Luca | sabatucci([at)csai.unipa.it | ICAR/CNR (Italian National Research Council) |
Silva | Ismênia | igls([at)cin.ufpe.br | MSc student on CIN, Federal University of Pernambuco - UFPE, Brazil |
Turci | Paola | turci([at)ce.unipr.it | University of Parma |
Unland | Rainer | unlandr([at)informatik.uni-essen.de | University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany) |
Ye | Shiren | yeshiren2000([at)yahoo.com | National Univ of Singapore |
Yusko | Jay | jay.yusko([at)infores.com | Illinois Institute of Technology |
Zambonelli | Franco | franco.zambonelli([at)unimo.it | University of Bologna |
If you subscribed the TC mailing list and want your name to appear in the list above please contact M. Cossentino (cossentino(at)icar.cnr.it).
In the above listed email addresses write @ in place of ([at)