Post-meeting activities
MAS Meta-Models
- C. Bernon, M.P. Gleizes, Adelfe MAS meta-model (zip)
D. Bertolini, A. Perini, A. Susi and H. Mouratidis. TROPOS meta-model (pdf,
- A. Chella, M. Cossentino, L. Sabatucci, V. Seidita. The PASSI and Agile
PASSI MAS meta-models (pdf,
zipped ppt)
- FIPA Modeling TC MAS meta-model (doc)
- J. Gomes. INGENIAS MAS meta-model (zipped
ppt, zipped website,
web site)
- J. Manuel Serrano, S. Ossowski, S. Saugar. The RICA meta-model.(pdf,
- Z. Guessom, T. Jarraya. Meta-Models & Model-Driven
Architectures. (pdf)
Other Contributions
- M. Kusek and G. Jezic. Modeling Agent Mobility with UML Sequence Diagram
I. Trencansky. The Agent Modeling Language (AML) (pdf).
Working Documents, Papers, Links
- C. Bernon, M. Cossentino, M. Gleizes, P. Turci, and
F. Zambonelli. A study of some multi-agent meta-models. In
Proc. of the Fifth International Workshop on Agen-Oriented Software
Engineering (AOSE-2004) at The Third International Joint Conference on
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS 2004), New York, USA, July
2004. (pdf)
- Agentlink AOSE TFG - Rome event (TF1) (website)
- FIPA Methodology Technical Committee
- FIPA Modeling Technical Committee